
I’m an aspiring Network Administrator and GNU/Linux Nerd with a flare for web design.

Technology has always been a big part of my life ever since I was a kid. I just always loved the idea that technology could help us achieve things faster and more efficient. For example how using an Apple Watch when going on walks or runs can give you more data afterwards to help you know how you did.


I am a Linux Administrator at Liquid Web, a Managed Cloud Hosting Provider. While I started my IT journey out as a web designer/developer. I feel like I have really fell into loving the backend of it and ensuring the packets make it safely to their destination.

This Site

I’ve had a site online for more then a decade now since I first bought my domain bensanders.me in 2010 and hosted it on a shuttle PC my dad used to use. Since then I’ve taken it through many blogging platforms. Going from WordPress to Jekyll to Ghost and now back to Jekyll (lol). Then hosted on a Vultr server using Cloudflare for a CDN and uploading using Git.

I don’t publish too often here-though I would love to try to deep dive on a topic that interests me. Like how I really want to get into crafting photosets of any travels I go on.

Full disclosure this site is inspired by Paul Stamatiou’s. While I try not to steal code I have used his Jekyll layout to seed my understanding of how Jekyll works.